Mission statement

It is our mission at Oak Grove Academy to ensure all enrolled children achieve their full potential, by providing them with the foundation to be academically successful and confident children, and ultimately become outstanding and responsible citizens who are exemplary contributors to society.

Vision And Values

Continuing to improve performance and experiences; meeting needs; working creatively to enable the lovingly nurtured pupils of Oak Grove Academy to be successful, confident, responsible and effective.

The values we at Oak Grove Academy look to instill are:

We are extremely proud that Oak Grove Academy graduates are recognized regularly throughout the public and private schools of the area for their daily demonstration of these values.

Our Philosophy

Oak Grove Academy provides children with an environment that maximizes their potential through education, socialization, and love. Management and faculty are comprised of individuals for whom the development of children–both as students and as people–is an unwavering passion.

Our professional teaching staff places great emphasis on the individuality of each child. We remain constantly aware that we are entrusted with a truly precious gift in every child we serve. This is an enormous responsibility, and one that we confidently accept with enthusiasm and gratitude.

Our Promise

Oak Grove Academy faculty and administration provide you with a warm, loving and supportive environment which is both structured and interactive, as well as physically and emotionally safe, so that your child or children may develop a passion for learning.