Oak Grove Academy is considered a ´balanced´ school, what does that mean?


OGA provides a balanced curriculum with ample opportunity for free-play in addition to more structured activities planned by our teachers. Daily, we follow a schedule, and have weekly and monthly themes. Every day children have the opportunity to engage in free-play, preschool games, circle time, story time, physical activity time, and preschool crafts.

Being balanced means that our children do not engage in free-play all morning. We believe children benefit from both free-play and from engaging in activities planned by adults.

Why do you group the children the way you do?

We believe that children do best with peers when it comes to organized group activities and projects. When children are grouped with peers (both developmentally and chronologically) we can ensure that all the children benefit from activities.

What are some examples of classroom activities?

Classroom activities are based on monthly themes. Each day is broken up into ten minute blocks for Toddlers, fifteen to twenty for Preschool, and Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten see half-hour blocks.  Dietitian designed meals (which are prepared daily in the academy´s kitchen by our chef) punctuate the day’s academic activity.  Included in the tuition are a breakfast snack, a hot lunch, and an afternoon snack, which when not organic, are at least natural and wholesome.

What is Enrichment?

Our specialists teach subjects which we denominate ´enrichment´ (as they complement or enrich our essential curriculum), such as art, music, gymnastics, library, physical education, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and yoga.

Enrichment is an integral part of the Oak Grove Academy curricula, and unlike other schools, is included in tuition.

Do siblings have priority in your admissions process?

Siblings represent our top priority. Occasionally we see a sibling who might need to attend a different type of school, but overall, we try to accommodate all siblings. Sibling applicants receive early notification.

What can I do if I need to drop my child off early at school?

Academic times start promptly at 8:00 for our Saplings (2.5) through Kindergarten (5 years). However, OGA is open at 6:30am and you can drop off at that time. For further information please call 770-772-7474

Who has access to the facility?

The families and staff of OGA. Everyone that is enrolled in our facility is provided a personalized code.

What are the procedures for someone other than a parent checking out a child?

Only Authorized Personnel that the parents have approved on the Pick Up List are authorized to pick up. An ID Check will be required upon arrival at the facility. If the person has not been approved on the Pick Up List, a parent will be called for authorization.

How often do children go outside?

Per Georgia Department of Early Learning, children are given opportunities to go outside for a minimum of 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon. Given inclement weather, children will be provided alternative activities such as Yoga, or Music & Movement.

How are screens and TVs used at OGA?

Screen time is minimally used at OGA, and only used for supplemental purposes for Music & Movement or Story Time when a book is unavailable.